Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rhymes with Orange (And Film26 Project - "D" submissions)

A few weekends ago, while Jeffrey was out at a driving lesson (yay for a husband who can drive!), I threw an old roll of expired Safeway brand 400 colour film in the Nikon FE and wandered about, snapping away, trying to get to know this new baby.
When I came across this bright orange building which happened to be situated right behind these bright orange berries that I was standing by. I could not look away! I kept waiting for someone to come by so I could say to them "Look at how that building matches those berries exactly!!"... but no one walked by, and even if they had, I probably would have chickened out anyway. But still, as I look at this picture, I marvel at that colour. It is a beautiful thing.

** As a side note - the first two pictures here were my submissions to the Film26 Project for the letter D - weeks 7 & 8. D is for "Dead-end" and "Dangling"**


This photo doesn't capture the colour of the berries as well, but I like the texture and composition of it.

That pesky orange colour even snuck into the following photos in the form of light leaks

What name would you give this shade of orange? I keep thinking "rust orange" but I don't know if that does it justice?

All photos taken with my Nikon FE and Safeway Brand ISO 400 color film.

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